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member since 5 December 2009


Dovada!!Am facut acest site deoarece voiam sa o demaschez pe selegomezrealme ..Am scris despre ea in romana si mi-a zis ca sunt o falsa..Deci inseamna ca a inteles limba romana....E o proasta..De aceea mi-am facut acest site

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Comments • 5

sellz 2 September 2010  
selena gomez nu are cont!:)ai dreptate!:X
MileyWorld 24 December 2009  
i am from romania and i know what u say!i know she's just a fake!at her album : 0 me,she have a pic with emo girl=))
xoxomiley 12 December 2009  
i am real.selegomezrealme is nervous
xoxomiley 9 December 2009  
selenaselenushk 11 December 2009  
yes???? what yes
you know that language?
That means you're not miley!!!
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